Go Wasteline, Exchanging Trash into Hopes of Nigeria

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  • Nigeria
  • #Employment

Go Wasteline, Exchanging Trash into Hopes of Nigeria

88% $5,250 Achieved Achieved


Funding Target ㅣ$6,000

Complete 2024-03-05is the last day

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Impact Employment 20% Environment 50% Education 30%
G.W Nigeria
Impact Employment Environment Education

“ We’re not where we want to be, but we’re not where we used to be. Not only do we pursue income by collecting plastic waste and recycling, we pursue preservation of our planet and 

hope for the marginalized people living in Nigeria.”

CEO Bright Lemchi of Go Wasteline

Greetings everyone! This is Bright Lemchi, CEO of a social enterprise Go Wasteline located in Rivestate, Nigeria. Like my name ‘Bright’, I am working with my bright energy and vision as a social activist, SDGs ambassador, and a social entrepreneur!

Nigeria owns the largest population in Africa, which is 200,000,000 people. Due to the enormous population and economic scale, it is called the ‘Giant of Africa’. Nigeria is widely known for the world's largest delta ‘Niger Delta’ and forest, but it is suffering from gigantic amounts of waste made from extreme urbanization and poverty. 15,000 tons of trash mountain made on a daily basis plays a pivotal role in destroying the environment, since it not only pollutes the environment but also causes formidable damage during floods.

The Weather Channel

As I saw the gorgeous nature of Nigeria being destroyed by unsorted waste, I established a social enterprise ‘Go Wasteline’ to solve environmental problems and provide new hopes of life to the marginalized people in Nigeria!

Go Wasteline earns profit from collecting and recycling plastic waste and selling it to the manufacturers. Who are the people collecting and recycling plastic waste? It is the marginalized people in Nigeria, called the ‘Waste Subscribers’. After attending lessons about plastic waste collecting and recycling and also environmental preservation, the marginalized people can be registered as the Waste Subscribers who will cooperate with Go Wasteline to secure the environment of Nigeria. Each day, Waste Subscribers collect and recycle 20kgs of plastic waste and send it to Go Wasteline. 60% of the total income is provided as ‘Green Points’ for the Waste Subscribers.

Green points are points that are used for better life of marginalized people living in Nigeria. These points can be used as cash, health insurance fee, utility bills, groceries, education fee or funds to start a micro business. We are not just paying points as a cost of collecting and recycling waste, but also monitoring if the points are being used righteously for the better life of the waste subscribers! We monitor if the children are being fully educated, living in good health, or being properly prepared to start their own business, and give them adequate assistance and advice for communal growth! We believe that we are not providing assistance to the waste subscribers, but are receiving assistance from them!

Go Wasteline is also providing environmental education programs for the next generation of Nigeria. By having quarterly visits to schools and teaching them the reason why we need to preserve our planet and recycle waste, we encourage the children to become the next environmental activists!

2 years have passed since I established Go Wasteline, and I have been able to meet 340 waste subscribers who cooperate to save the environment of Nigeria. However, we have still much to go to cooperate with 1,000 waste subscribers, which is the goal of Go Wasteline! To collect and recycle more plastic waste, we need more waste subscribers, and other waste stations to efficiently recycle plastic waste!

Join us on our journey to secure the environment of Nigeria and

 provide new hopes of life for the marginalized people in Nigeria

 with Impact Donation!

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