Mobiklinic, Hero to solve Uganda’s Health Problems

  • Mobiklinic
  • Uganda
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Mobiklinic, Hero to solve Uganda’s Health Problems

90% $2,698 Achieved Achieved


Funding Target ㅣ$3,000

Complete 2023-06-09is the last day

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Impact Employment 10% Education 30% Health 60%
Mobiklinic Uganda
Impact Employment Education Health


Hi everyone! I am  Andrew, the CEO of Mobiklinic in Uganda.

Do you know how many people live in rural areas in Uganda?

Over 850 million people are living in rural areas of Uganda, which means 8 out of 10 are living in the rural areas.Despite the high population density, people in Uganda have no access to the basic health care services.

When people get sick, they need to walk over 12km to go to the nearest health center. What’s more, the healthcare system lacks manpower. One doctor is taking care of 35,000 patients, which is a very severe condition.

My grandmother was no exception. When my grandmother suffered a stroke in the middle of the night, we tried to contact the health center urgently. However, there weren’t any doctors available at that moment or an ambulance to take her immediately to the health center.

Community health workers trained to solve urgent health issues also couldn't help her without professional knowledge. I had to lose her as nothing could be done.

To never let such sacrifices happen again in the African region, I established Mobiklinic! With our own healthcare service app, we are empowering the capacity of community health workers, and enhancing the inadequate healthcare system in Uganda!

Mobilkinic app functions to effectively manage the healthcare system in rural areas of Uganda. When community health workers need professional medical knowledge, they can contact senior doctors through the app to quickly solve emergent issues and learn the information needed.

Furthermore, Mobiklinic app functions to track ambulance or health centers nearby via GPS system. Whenever community health workers share the location of patients via app, they could transport the patient quickly to the health center and get treated!

It was very difficult for local citizens of Uganda to access 
healthcare services, but with the appearance of Mobiklinc, 
the community could easily be treated and I, as a community 
health worker, can do my job more efficiently!”
- Uganda Community Health Worker Margaret 

Currently, more than one thousand confirmed cases of COVID-19 per day are appearing in Uganda, which shows that Uganda is under severe effect of this global pandemic. As individual sanitation and health care is more important than ever, Mobiklinic is providing soaps and sanitation education programs to each household! If we are able to empower more community health workers, we would like to make local citizens more actively prepared for COVID-19! Also, by developing Mobiklinic app, we would like to have online sanitation education programs!


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